Eau Claire County assigns addresses within the township. Contact Eau Claire Planning and Development at (715) 839-4741 with any address assignment questions.
Fire numbers are assigned and are used for your address.
Make sure your fire number sign can be clearly read from the road to assist emergency vehicles.
The Town purchases your first address sign. As the signs age, some of the signs fade and lose their reflective qualities.
If you would like a replacement fire number sign, please send a check for $50 and your address to:
Town of Pleasant Valley
S10414 Cty Rd HHI
Eleva, WI 54738
and a new sign will be ordered for you.
Please contact the Eau Claire County Humane Association (715) 839-4747 or the Eau Claire County Non-Emergency Communication Center at (715) 839-4972 for any complaints of animals running at large, nuisance animals or any animal being treated inhumanely.
There is a 24 hour locked drop box in front of the main entrance to the Town Hall.
Tax payments, dog license applications and rental agreements may be placed in this drop box.
If you are planning on new construction on your property make sure to have the correct County permits.
It may be confusing on what types of permits you will need for certain projects but being prepared ahead of time will save you money in the long run.
Any questions regarding what types of permits you will need please contact Eau Claire County Zoning Inspector at (715) 839-1660
Burning permits are required within the township.
Please contact the Township Fire Department at www.townshipfire.org to obtain a burning permit.
Burning regulations can be found on the Forms & Permits page or visit: www.townshipfire.org
Hadleyville Cemetery is located on HH just west of S. Lowes Creek Road.
The township maintains this cemetery. For more information contact us.
Driveway permits are issued through the township.
Contact Dan Hanson at (715) 577-7362 or [email protected] or contact Wyatt Wathke at (715) 577-0248
Building permits are issued through the Eau Claire County Planning and Development office. (715) 839-4741
Dial 911 for any required emergency services.
Fire protection and first responders are provided by the Township Fire Department.
The City of Eau Claire provides ambulance services.
The Eau Claire County Sheriff’s Department provides law enforcement for the township.
Elections are held at the Town Hall/Fire station in Cleghorn, S10414 Cty HHI. For more election information go to the Election Useful Information page and Voter ID page.
The Community Center is available for use, free of charge by any civic organization or governmental entity that is based in Pleasant Valley.
The Community Center and Park Pavilion are available for rent by any private party.
Please contact Jen Meyer (715) 878-4645 or [email protected] for rental agreements and availability.
You can also visit Pavilion Rental , Community Center Rental and Schedule Availability pages for more information.
A permit is required by State Statute to possess or use fireworks without first obtaining a user's permit from the local municipality.
Permits are issued by Dan Hanson, Town Chairman at (715) 577-7362 or [email protected] OR Jen Meyer, Clerk/Treasurer at (715_878-4645 or [email protected]
After receipt of your user's permit, you must also notify the Eau Claire County Sheriff's Department and Township Fire Department at least 48 hours prior to discharging the permitted fireworks.
Garbage & Recycling service is provided by area refuse haulers.
Currently there are five haulers licensed to collect refuse in the Town of Pleasant Valley.
Eau Claire County has a recycling center located across from the Fire Station.
Click here for hours and other locations.
Licensed Haulers are:
Trash on Trucks (TOTS) - locally owned
Earthbound Environmental Solutions - locally owned
Waste Management
GFL Solid Waste Midwest
Garbage Can Placement
Garbage and recycling bins are only allowed on the edge of your yard or driveway on your collection day and should be at least 5 feet off the road, in your driveway or yard. They are NEVER allowed on the shoulder of the road or across the road from your residence. If your garbage hauler requests anything different, they are asking you to violate town road right-of-way ordinances and you are subject to a citation.
For safety reasons, if your bins are an obstacle during a snowplowing operation, the drivers will NOT exit their vehicles to move them. The drivers are not responsible for damages or spills due to garbage bins in the shoulder or traveled portion of the road.
ES Sanitation (limited area) - locally owned
Over-sized mailboxes are prohibited. They can cause a hazard and present liability issues for the property owner.
According the the Dept. of Transportation, acceptable mailbox supports are as follows: a wood post no larger the 4" X 4" square or soft metal conduits which are 1.5" to 2" in diameter.
Residents are asked to replace any mailbox not meeting these standards.
The Town has the legal right and annually does mow the road-right-of-way of all town roads. Road right-of-way is typically extends to 33 feet from the center of the road.
Mowing is performed for safety and visibility reasons.
State law requires all dogs over the age of 5 months must be licensed by April 1st of each calendar year.
A current rabies certificate must accompany the license.
Fees are $15 for each spayed/neutered dog and $25 for each intact dog.
Any application received after April 1st will be assessed a $10 late fee.
Application for licensing your dog can be found here: Dog License Application
Cats are not required to be licensed in the Town of Pleasant Valley.
Interested in becoming a poll worker?
Contact Jen Meyer, Town Clerk at (715) 878-4645 or [email protected]
The assessment of your property is determined by the Assessor as of January 1 of each year. Under Wisconsin Statutes, the Assessor's values are assumed to be correct unless proven otherwise, which places the burden of proof on the taxpayer. If you are not satisfied with the assessment of your property, the time to do something about it is during Open Book. You do not need an appointment. You simply come in and speak with the assessor during the set Open Book hours. Open Book is held at the Town Hall located at S10414 Cty Rd HH/I in Cleghorn. The date is typically in July of each year. Please watch this webpage for notices of the date of Open Book.
If after reviewing your information at Open Book, you believe your property is not assessed fairly in relation to other properties in the Town of Pleasant Valley, you must file a written objection form to be heard by the formal Board of Review. Factual evidence must be presented at the hearing. The Board of Review is typically scheduled about one week after the Open Book in July. Please watch this webpage for notices of the date and procedures associated with Board of Review.
The Town of Pleasant Valley contracts Bowmar Appraisals to conduct appraisals.
Bowmar Apprasials is located at 4330 Golf Terrace Suite 208, Eau Claire, WI 54701. (715) 835-1141.
Watch for Board of Review dates to be posted in May of each year.
If you intend to contest your assessment at the Board of Review, a 48 hour notice is required by law to be given to the Town Clerk.
Please see "Open Book and Board of Review" located in this section of the webpage for more information.
Tax bills are sent out in mid-December. The first payment is due to the Town of Pleasant Valley Clerk/Treasurer by January 31st. Public tax collection dates are posted on the Town Calendar
The Town will NO longer be sending out receipts unless you enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope with your payment.
Tax bills and receipts can be obtained and printed at:
Payments may be placed in the drop box located outside the main entrance of the Town Hall in Cleghorn.
The second installment is due by July 31st, payable to the Eau Claire County treasurer’s office.
At this time, the Town does not accept credit card payments.
1st Payment: Payable to Town of Pleasant Valley
Town of Pleasant Valley
Jen Meyer Clerk/Treasurer
S10414 Cty Rd HHI
Eleva, WI 54738
Or payments can be placed in the drop box located outside the Town Hall
2nd Payment: Payable to Eau Claire County
Glenda Lyons
Eau Claire County Treasurer
721 Oxford Ave
Eau Claire, WI 54703
Public tax collections are held at the Town Hall located at S10414 Cty Rd HHI in Cleghorn.
Public notices are published on the website and posted on the exterior of the town hall.
As required by law the following notices will also be posted at two additional locations:
-Annual Town Meeting if not on the 2nd Tuesday of April
-Special Town Meetings date and location
-Budget Public Hearing date and location
The following items will be published in the Leader-Telegram:
-Summaries of ordinances with forfeitures
-Liquor license applications
-Budget Public Hearing date and location
Additional posting locations when required are: The Cleghorn Keg and Hickory Hills Golf Course
Each year, radon kills more people than home fires, drowning, falls or drunk driving. Eau Claire County has a high rate of homes with high levels of radon. Yet many community members know very little about radon. Over 35% of tested homes in the county exceed the level of radon that is considered safe to have around your home.
Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that comes from the soil beneath and around some of our homes. In some homes here in Eau Claire it accumulates to levels that create a risk to the residents. Radon is the leading cause of lung cancer for non-smokers! You can't smell or taste it but it puts your family at risk!
Test your home for radon by purchasing a short-term test kit at the Eau Claire City County Health Department for just $10!. For more information on radon or the test kits please call the Eau Claire City County Health Department at (715) 839-4718.
Town road right-of-way is 33 feet from the center line of any town road.
Please do not install items (i.e. fencing, landscaping, sprinklers, or lawn markers) within this right-of-way; the Town is not responsible for any damage that may occur to these objects.
Large items in the right-of-way can present direct hazard and impede vision at intersections which can pose liability issues.
Please see Ordinance No. 19-15-05 Road Right of Way
Garbage Can Placement
Garbage and recycling bins are only allowed on the edge of your yard or driveway on your collection day and should be at least 5 feet off the road, in your driveway or yard. They are NEVER allowed on the shoulder of the road or across the road from your residence. If your garbage hauler requests anything different, they are asking you to violate town road right-of-way ordinances and you are subject to a citation.
For safety reasons, if your bins are an obstacle during a snowplowing operation, the drivers will NOT exit their vehicles to move them. The drivers are not responsible for damages or spills due to garbage bins in the shoulder or traveled portion of the road.
County Ordinance Code Obstructing Highways Section 10.30.020:
A. It shall be unlawful for any person to leave or place any snow removed from private property in piles or rows upon the traveled portion of any highway open to public travel.
B. Violation and Penalty. Persons who violate provisions of this chapter shall be subject to forfeiture schedule cited at Section 1.50.020 of the Eau Claire County Code.
It is the responsibility of the property owner to make sure no snow is deposited on any Town of Pleasant Valley roadway. Snow deposited on the roadway creates an additional hazard for motorists.
The Town of Pleasant Valley Board meets at 7:00 pm on the 2nd Monday of each month at the Town Hall.
Additional meetings are posted on this website as well as the other posting locations as required.
Contact Wyatt Wathke, Town of Pleasant Valley Highway Supervisor, at (715) 878-9461 or (715) 577-0248 to report any highway obstructions or washouts.
ALL County residents: As of October 31, 2023 all county residents can utilize the brush site in the City of Eau Claire located at 5710 Jeffers Road. County residents at this time are not eligible for a season pass and should refer to the "pay as you go" fee structure for pricing. This pricing along with the hours of operation for the brush site can be found at https://www.eauclairewi.gov/government/our-divisions/parks-forestry-and-cemetery/forestry/brush-disposal
The Town of Pleasant Valley is under Eau Claire County Zoning requirements.
Please contact Eau Claire County Planning and Development at (715) 839-4741