Public Hearing – Schneider


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Pleasant Valley will hold a public hearing on Monday, October 12, 2020 at 7:00 PM in the Pleasant Valley Town Hall located at S10414 Cty Rd HHI located in Cleghorn for the following purpose(s):

  1. To consider recommending approval of a rezoning application to Eau Claire County Planning and Developing.  Applicants are Troy and Lindy Schneider of W980 Maple Rd, Eau Claire and said application is for a rezoning of property 1801822609291309001 from AP to A1.

All interested parties shall be given the opportunity to be heard.

                                                                                    Town of Pleasant Valley
                                                                                    Jennifer Meyer


Posted on web and Town Hall:  September 25, 2020