Town Road Right of Way is 33 feet from the center line of any town road. The Town has the authority to trim, cut and/or remove any natural or man-made objects within the road right of way. State Statute 82.18 defines a town road right of way as 66 feet wide.
Mowing and Trimming The Town has the legal right and annually does mow the road right of way of all town roads. As time permits; trees, low growth and brush within the road right of way are trimmed and/or removed. Mowing and trimming is performed for safety and visibility reasons. If you do not wish to have any mowing or trimming done on the right of way along your property, please make sure you keep the area clear of all trees, shrubs and brush and perform the mowing regularly.
Landscaping Please do not install items (i.e. fencing, landscaping, sprinklers, or lawn markers) within this right-of-way; the Town is not responsible for any damage that may occur to these objects. Large items in the right-of-way can present direct hazard and impede vision at intersections which can pose liability issues. The Town may remove such items at the expense of the property owner.
Snow Removal It shall be unlawful for any person to leave or place any snow removed from private property in piles or rows upon the traveled portion of any highway open to public travel. It is the responsibility of the property owner to make sure no snow is deposited on any town roadway. Snow deposited on the roadway creates an additional hazard for motorists.