The Community Center in Cleghorn is designated as a shelter in Eau Claire County should there be residents displaced by a wide-spread disaster. At the time the Community Center was constructed in 2015, key electrical components were added to accommodate a generator in the future. At this time, the Town is working with the Lions Club and Pleasant Valley Fire Fighters to acquire the funds necessary to add a generator to serve the building. With the addition of a generator, the Community Center will have running water, functioning septic system, full kitchen usage, heat, and air conditioning during a power outage. The fire department will continue to be able to fill trucks as needed as well as have full operation of the garage doors should they need to exit for an emergency.
The generator, installation, concrete pad, and LP line extension costs are all part of the estimated $150,000 to $ 175,000. The Town has two 1000-gallon LP tanks, which are always full, which would be the fuel source supplied to the generator.
If you or any business would like to donate to this project, don't hesitate to get in touch with Jen Meyer, Clerk/Treasurer at 715-878-4645 or [email protected] or John Norby, Battalion Chief of Station #4. Monetary donations to a municipality are tax deductible.
Euchre Tournament - February 3rd - $400
Euchre Tournament - March 2nd - $475
Cleghorn Lions Bingo - April 23rd - $500
Chicken Dinner and Breakfast - $3231
Private Donations - $3125
Committed Town Funds:
Town ARPA funds interest earned for additional Engineering and bidding - $6969
$7,000 applied general funds